Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blow on This

As a parent of teenagers I feel it is my civic duty to own and use an alcohol breathalyzer.  I was telling my daughter Lovey (currently 17 years old) how I want her to let her friends know that I'm not afraid to use it if they are over and I suspect someone has been drinking.

I let her know that I verified with the local police department that I am well within my right to ask anyone in my home to submit to a breathalyzer test, though they could decline, at which point I would ask them to leave.

Of course Lovey found this mortifying and said:

Lovey: "You really shouldn't.  That's taking embarrassment to a whole new level.  I think the college visit thing was far enough."

Note: She claims I humiliated her when I asked our tour guide at a recent college visit for her, "What are the rules on boys in girls' dorms and vice versa?" and proceeded to have a conversation with him about the subject.  I still don't get what how this was so embarrassing, plus I asked him one on one and not in front for the whole group on the tour, which I thought was thoughtful on my part.

I continued to try to get her to understand.

Me: "It's like owning a gun.  It's not like I'm going to shoot someone, but it will make them think twice about breaking into my house if I'm prepared to pop a cap in their ass!"

In the future when she becomes a parent she will appreciate my parenting methods.  Minimally a therapist will one day help her understand my good intentions.

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