Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stop Licking Yourself in Public!

If you have been keeping up on this blog you may know my mother has a deaf Chihuahua named Leeloo, whom she treats like a human baby.

The other day my mom was over with Leeloo for a visit.  Leeloo was self pleasuring herself as she often does, this is when my mother blurts out the following to the deaf dog:

Mom:  "Leeloo I told you not to lick your privates in public!"

I start laughing as I find this not just an absurd thing to say to a dog, but to yell it at a deaf dog is hysterical.  To which my mom responds:

Mom: "If you put that on your blog I swear to God I'll kill you!"

So, if anything happens to me after this post, look to my mother and her deaf Chihuahua.

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