Friday, December 24, 2010

Snow Drill!

In a household with five people and two dogs I have found it helpful to have drills prepared so that the family knows what to do in case of an emergency or quickly needed action.

I'm sure many of you have a fire drill, everyone evacuates and meets at a safe spot.  There is our tornado drill where we head to the basement.  We also have a plow drill.  When the plow guy comes to plow the driveway I yell "Plow Drill!" and everyone runs out to move their car or get their crap out of the driveway.

This morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow and were just sitting down to breakfast when the plow guys showed up.  I yelled "Plow Drill!" and everyone left the table to move cars and collect any snow toys that were out.  When I went back in the dining room my 12 year old son and his friend (who slept over) were hiding in the hallway.

Me:  "Big J what are you doing?"

Big J:  "Hiding."

Me:  "Why? You are supposed to be picking up your snow toys for the snow drill."

Big J:"Oh I thought this was the Jehovah's Witness at the door drill."

Maybe I have too many drills?


Marcia Wall said...

After reading a few of your posts, I think you need to pursue a career as a humor writer.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhhh.... this is bordering on making fun of a religion other than your own. If this gets around the Jehova Witness community it will make you look bad plu cause other decent people to think you are teaching your kids to have zero tolerance. Thats my two cents.

Unknown said...

Actually it is crossing the line into making fun of Jehova's Witnesses, not bordering on it. I'm not concerned with what they think of me. This blog is about sharing the at times inappropriate things that come out of my mouth, or that of my family. I support the rights of Jehova's Witnesses to practice their chosen religion, I just don't want them coming to my door.