Thursday, September 2, 2010

Beware of the Dog-napping Eagles

This evening I had to dog sit my "dog sister."  No joke, my mother really does call her that.  Lee-loo is a 15 week old deaf Chihuahua and the latest addition to my mother's doggie children.

My mother dropped the dog off while sporting her "World's Greatest Dog Mom" t-shirt.  Of course I immediately whipped out my blackberry, took a picture and sent it to facebook.  Her fashion sense is timeless and needs to be shared with the masses.

The following were her instructions on how I was to care for Lee-loo while she was gone for the evening:

My mother: "Lee-loo likes to be held while wrapped in her mom and dad blanket. (The blanket says mom and dad all over it).  Here is her chew toy. (Which was in a cup that had her name on it).   Put her down for a nap around 4:30.  Don't leave her outside to go potty alone because an eagle can take her and fly off."

Me:  "For Christ sake I'm not putting your dog down for a nap.  I have a column due tomorrow and I'm working.

After a frustrating evening of not getting much work done, who knew a deaf dog could bark so much, my mom called to check on her dog child.

My mother: "How is Lee-loo?  What is she doing?"

Me:  "Well she pissed on my floor in the kitchen, shit on Shelby's bed, despite me taking her out numerous times.  She would only shut up if I let her lay on my boobs, and she walked on my keyboard while I was trying to work.  She was sleeping but she just got up."

My mother: "If you rock her slowly back and forth she will go back to sleep.  You could also rub her back while she is in her basket.

Me:  "I'm not rocking your damn dog to sleep!"

My mother: "Don't forget, don't leave her outside by herself because of the eagles and make sure she goes potty outside before bed.

Instead of getting my column done, I spent the evening going outside waiting for the Helen Keller of dogs to take a dump and not be dog-napped by eagles.

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