Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Helen Keller of Chihauhuas

My mom left me the following on a voicemail regarding her deaf chihuahua now named Leeling.  Her name was LeeLoo but my mom changed her name.  I guess one of the benefits of having a deaf dog is you can do that as often a you like.

My Mother: "Nat I swear that Leeling is reading my lips!  She looks at my mouth when I talk and sees what I'm taking about.  She recognizing the words on my lips.  She's a lip reading dog, she's amazing!  She read my lips the other day like I told you when I told her to go on the paper.  She stares at me when I talk and is reading my lips! Anyways that's all, bye.

In an earlier conversation my mother told me Leeling read her lips when she told her to go potty on the pee pad.  Apparently Leeling took quickly to the pee pad, unlike my own puppy.  Well, I found out from my sister that where Leeling goes potty is practically wall to wall pee pads, so how the hell could she miss?

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