Saturday, November 19, 2011

Props to My Mom

My mom, sister and I with hitchhiker Cindy

After taking some time off from this blog I'm back at it.  The photo above shows me, my sister, my mom and I with hitchhiker Cindy.  We picked Cindy up on our road trip to South Dakota this summer.

As I was pulling over to pick up Cindy my mom was yelling "Nat don't pick up a stranger!"  I just had a good feeling about Cindy, plus I figured she would give my mom something to do besides complain about the temperature in the car.  I kindly asked hitchhiker Cindy not to shank my mom, and put her in the backseat with her.

A few hours and a thorough interrogation later, Cindy was my mom's newly adopted daughter.  My mom invited Cindy to stay with her in her hotel room and said a tearful goodbye when we had to drop Cindy off the next day.

My mom had provided much of the content of this blog.  She was a fabulous lady who knew how to laugh at herself, and others, enjoying both regularly.

Sadly she passed away.  My sense of humor is something my mom appreciated, even if she didn't understand it at times.  Laughter was a medicine she handed out often.

I haven't posted anything on this blog for awhile but I'm back at it now, inspired by my mom who was quick to laugh, and even quicker to love.  Just ask hitchhiker Cindy, who for the record did not shank my mom.  My mother died due to a complication of pneumonia.

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